
We have reached more than 5000 engineering youths through our Youth Employability in the Field of Engineering program with 65% gainfully employed and 13% receiving increment in pay.

20 female engineering graduates and students pass through our Girls in Engineering project and we have reached over 15000 female students in our STEM school outreach programs promoting gender equality and inclusion in the engineering sector.

Though our Safe Water for All project, we have provided two communities in Delta and Lagos State with safe water borehole facilities serving more than 20000 community members reducing water-borne diseases to 5%

We have enrolled 300 children living in urban and rural slum communities back to school providing scholarships and educational materials with 100% retention rate in school and doing academically well.

Our “Dare to Dream” project in collaboration with Lagos State Primary Education Board has provided 6 schools with experiential learning in STEAM. (Pictures will be provided)