

A valve is a mechanical device that controls the flow and pressure of fluid within a system or process. There are a large variety of valves and valve configurations to fit all services and conditions, different uses (on/off control), different fluids (liquid, gas, combustible, toxic, corrosive etc.) different materials, different pressure and temperature conditions. Valves are for starting or stopping flow, regulating or throttling flow, preventing back flow or relieving and regulating pressure in fluid or gaseous handling applications. So basically, it controls flow & pressure. The common types of valve include:

  • Gate Valve
  • Globe Valve
  • Plug valve
  • Ball Valve
  • Pinch Valve
  • Pressure Relief Valve
  • Butterfly Valve
  • Check Valve
  • Needle Valve

Gate valve is linear motion valve used to start or stop fluid flow. Gate valves are used in almost all fluid services such as air, fuel gas, steam, lube oil, hydrocarbon etc. Gate valves are used in wastewater plants, power plants, and process plants for shut-off and for isolating service. There are different types of Gate valve such as solid wedge, flexible wedge, split wedge or parallel disks, OS & Y gate valve or rising stem valve and non-rising stem gate valve or insider screw valve.

Gate Valve

Globe valve are usually used in a system where fluid control is being required and leak tightness is very necessary. They are usually used in wastewater plants, food processing facilities, and process plants. Z types, Y types and Angle types are the various types of globe valve.

Globe Valve

Plug valve are quarter turn manual rotary motion valve that uses a tapered or cylindrical plug to stop or start the flow. There are different types of plug valve such as rectangular port, round port, lubricated plug valve, multi-port plug valve, non-lubricated plug valve and diamond port.

Plug Valve

Ball Valves are quarter-turn valve that uses a ball-shaped disk to either block or allow fluid. Most ball valves are of the quick-acting type, which requires a 90° turn of the valve handle to operate the valve.

Ball Valve

Pinch valve also known as clamp valve, a pinch valve is a linear motion valve used to start, regulate and stop fluid and dry-product flow through pipes. Major industries that use pinch valves are: Bulk and solids handling, cement industry, waste water industry, chemical industry, food industry, beverage industry, ceramic/glass/plastic industry.

Pinch Valve

Butterfly Valves are quarter-turn valves which employ center-mounted circular flaps that swing into, and out of, the flow stream.  Butterfly valves are suitable in power plants, wastewater plants, and process plants for shut-off and for regulating and isolating service and are especially popular in very large diameter pipelines. 

Butterfly Valve

Pressure relief valve also known as pressure safety valve are used to relieve internal pressure as well as external pressure caused by vacuum formation. The various types of pressure valve are: reclosing-type pressure relief devices, non-reclosing type pressure relief devices, safety relief valves, pressure relief valve, vacuum relief valve, pressure vacuum relief valve.

Pressure Relief Valve

Check Valves allow fluid to flow through them in only one direction. It prevents backflow in the piping system. Check valve comes in different types we have the swing check valve, lift check valve, dual check valve and the stop check valve.

Check Valve

Needle valves are used to give very accurate control of flow in small diameter piping systems. They are used to meter fluid flow through tubing or ports.

Needle Valve

Do you have any questions on valves installation, testing & certification and repair? Send us a direct message or reach us via email at contact@etapasynergy.

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